Sunday, June 5, 2011

Why One Egg Short?

Here's the deal: I'm what's called a Third Culture Kid, or TCK. This term applies generically to all people who were raised in one culture, but live in another. I am American, but lived in the Dominican Republic. At home, we were American, spoke English, watched American TV and celebrated American holidays. When I walked out my front door, I was Dominican. I spoke Spanish, drove like a crazy woman, celebrated Dominican holidays, and generally blended in with the population (with the exception of being very obviously a white girl).

So how does that make me one egg short of an omelet? Because I live in dueling cultures. I am Hispanic by osmosis, American by birth. Both places think I'm a bit off my rocker, especially the grand Ole US of A. I look like I belong, but sometimes forget to act like it. My perception of life has been forever altered (or skewed, depending on your point of view).


  1. Ever noticed how those g's in "egg" look like eggs frying in a pan?

    I'm (at least) one note short of a scale. Can we be friends?
